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Monodisperse Ni0.85Se nanocrystals on rGO for high-performance urea electrooxidation

发布日期:2021-05-27    作者:     来源:     点击:

Linghui Zhao, Ying Chang, Meilin Jia, Zhenhai Wen

Journal of Alloys and Compounds 852 (2021) 156751

In recent years, electric oxidation of urea has become an effective method to treatwastewater. Non-noble nickel-based catalyst is a kind of urea oxidation catalyst. Therefore, monodisperse Ni0.85Se/rGO nano-crystals on rGO (Ni0.85Se/rGO) was prepared by reflux and pyrolysis, and the physical properties of Ni0.85Se/rGO were characterized, moreover, the electrooxidation performance of urea was tested in 1 M KOH/0.5 M Urea solution. It turns out that Ni0.85Se/rGO is an inexpensive, high-efficiency and durable catalyst for UOR with potential of 1.36 V vs. RHE (corresponding to 10 mA cm-2).